Saturday, August 16, 2008

Class Video Coming Soon

Class video has been completed. The second part doesn't have any animations and funny notations because making and integrating them into the video is very tedious. The music for this part is from the instrumental version of 北京欢迎你, and I've abridged it to about 2min. Lyrics are recomposed for our class, in Chinese:

光阴似箭两年尽     又到分别之时
欢声笑语酸甜苦辣 珍藏每份记忆
陌生熟悉再到朋友 永不会忘记
无论十年后何方     缘分乃相识

难忘6H 一起成长向前
怀念6H 共同mug尽一份力

PW BT H3            我们共勉互励
CCA比赛CIP演出   齐心加油努力
迎新春节国庆中秋 疯狂乐亦疲
Outing Chalet CS   维持好关系

难忘6H 勿忘各位良师
A. Gow Ouyang Tan Chua Low Phua 和 Sam Lee
怀念6H 二十五人齐争第一

华中6H 有梦想谁都了不起

Friday, August 15, 2008

Updates about class video

 photo montage 2

This is a screen shot at the end of the first minute. I've finalized this part, i.e  there will be no further changes for above picture, as the rendering process is damn tedious and unstable.

The music for this part is from "Animage Best Symphony", an album released by 久石 譲 in 1991 for 宮崎 駿's early anime. The title of this symphony is デッキブラシでランデブー (No.17 in the disk).

Animage Best Symphony